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Why did we do this research?

An uneven scale and a disability icon.

We did our research because people with disability have shared that they were treated unfairly.

A woman giving a thumbs down.

They told us they had bad experiences with different services.

These services include:

A hospital, and a health icon.

  • health services, like a hospital or doctor

A graduation hat and a certificate, and a school.

  • education and training services, like a school or university.

2 people at a table talking.

It also included social services.

Social services are lots of different services that help people manage their day to day lives.

A police officer, and a judge in a court room.

And it included the justice system.

The justice system includes:

  • police
  • the courts
  • the law
  • prisons.

A man shrugging and looking confused.

People might treat people with disability unfairly because they don’t understand what:

  • disability is
  • people with disability need.

A woman in a wheelchair looking upset, with her arms crossed.

People with disability told us that sometimes they don’t get the support they need.

This happens when services think people with disability don’t have:

A woman with her hand up and a tick, and a man with disability with his hand up and a cross.

  • the same needs as other people

A woman with disability making a choice, and a cross.

  • skills to do things other people can, like making their own choices.

A woman looking sad, and 2 people pointing at her behind her back.

People with disability might also be treated unfairly because of other things about them.

This includes their:

2 men with their arms around each other.

  • sexuality – who they love or are attracted to

A person with different gender icons.

  • gender – who they feel they are as a person.

A group of group of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

It also includes their culture.

Your culture is:

A First Nations man holding up a painting.

  • your way of life

A woman talking to a priest.

  • how you think or act now because of how you grew up

3 buildings representing different religions.

  • your beliefs

A man pointing to himself, and an icon meaning important.

  • what is important to you.
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